11th Colloquium: Equivalence between sustainability reporting standards
16 May 2024: 11th Colloquium – Equivalence between sustainability reporting standards; and sustainability reporting standard convergence.
16 May 2024: 11th Colloquium – Equivalence between sustainability reporting standards; and sustainability reporting standard convergence.
22 May 2024: The Purpose-Driven Organizations Discussion Forum discusses governing corporate strategy with Victoria Hurth
10 April 2024: Showcase webinar for the Deloitte Africa Governance Academy Programme as endorsed by the Good Governance Academy
22 August 2023: Mind the Gap – an African perspective. The expectation gap between the public, the accountant and the auditor
3 November 2022: 8th Colloquium – impacts, outcomes and integration in a corporate world – Professor Mervyn King and 4 global thought leaders provide guidance on the new corporate reporting mandates
13 October 2022: Book Lounge with author Michael Schluter and Shonaid Jemmett-Page, Independent Non-Executive Director of Aviva plc
25 August 2022: Global ESG and Sustainability Summit in association with the AACSB, GBSN and SABSA business school associations
18 August 2022: Establishing Sustainability Reporting Operational Capabilities – a how-to webinar hosted by Bruce Whitfield
9 August 2022: Unpacking governance in Argentina for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
21 July 2022: Instituting Corporate Sustainability Reporting Competencies – a how-to webinar hosted by Bruce Whitfield