The Corporate Revolutionary: Corporate failures
17 October 2024: The Corporate Revolutionary – Join Prof Mervyn King and the author, David Williams, in the next fireside chat
17 October 2024: The Corporate Revolutionary – Join Prof Mervyn King and the author, David Williams, in the next fireside chat
22 October 2024: Meet the creator of the Executive Leadership Series and discuss his most recient course, Digital Security.
30 October 2024: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Dynamics and Challenges – challenges faced by startups and innovators
23 October 2024: Managing Conflicts of Interest: The rise of side hustles and their impact on workplace integrity.
7 November 2024: 12th Colloquium – Enhancing governance and accountability in the public sector and the Auditor General’s role.
10 October 2024: Corruption affects the lives of everyone – and citizen groups (CSOs) are willing and able to do something about it.
9 October 2024: Meet the author Alison Taylor discussing her book, Higher Ground: How Business Can Do the Right Thing in a Turbulent World