Governance around the world: China
29 March 2022: Governance around the world series of events: Unpacking governance in China for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
29 March 2022: Governance around the world series of events: Unpacking governance in China for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
24 March 2022: How boards and other governing bodies should develop, monitor, and implement their own Annual Work Plan to ensure that focus is directed to their core roles and what they identify as critical for the organization.
Patrice Lasserre offers bespoke mentoring programmes to assist leaders to develop into compelling Board candidates, equipping them to not only survive but flourish in a most demanding and challenging, but highly rewarding, environment.
2 March 2022: Where next for operational risk? A guide for risk managers and accountants provides tools and techniques to quantify and value exposure to non-financial risk.
8 March 2022: Governance around the world series of events: Governance in Southern Africa for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.