Civil Society Monitoring
10 October 2024: Corruption affects the lives of everyone – and citizen groups (CSOs) are willing and able to do something about it.
10 October 2024: Corruption affects the lives of everyone – and citizen groups (CSOs) are willing and able to do something about it.
9 October 2024: Meet the author Alison Taylor discussing her book, Higher Ground: How Business Can Do the Right Thing in a Turbulent World
Date to be determined: Meet the Competent Boards faculty as we discuss the endorsed Sustainability and ESG Designation and Certification
9 July 2024: The Purpose-Driven Organizations Discussion Forum discusses the business drivers of purpose with Victoria Hurth.
26 June 2024: Global Ethics and Technology Summit in association with global business school associations and international thought leaders.
19 June 2024: ISO 37000 provides international guidance for the governance of sustainable organizations. – learn how to be certified.
22 May 2024: The Purpose-Driven Organizations Discussion Forum discusses governing corporate strategy with Victoria Hurth
25 August 2022: Global ESG and Sustainability Summit in association with the AACSB, GBSN and SABSA business school associations
18 August 2022: Establishing Sustainability Reporting Operational Capabilities – a how-to webinar hosted by Bruce Whitfield
9 August 2022: Unpacking governance in Argentina for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.