12th Colloquium: Enhancing governance and accountability in the public sector
7 November 2024: 12th Colloquium – Enhancing governance and accountability in the public sector and the Auditor General’s role.
7 November 2024: 12th Colloquium – Enhancing governance and accountability in the public sector and the Auditor General’s role.
17 September 2024: Partnership for Transparency discusses their civil society capacity building for public procurement monitoring.
18 July 2024: The Value of Civil Society Monitoring from The Partnership for Transparency with Daniel Ritchie and Poder Ciudadano.
19 June 2024: ISO 37000 provides international guidance for the governance of sustainable organizations. – learn how to be certified.
18 August 2022: Establishing Sustainability Reporting Operational Capabilities – a how-to webinar hosted by Bruce Whitfield
9 August 2022: Unpacking governance in Argentina for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
21 July 2022: Instituting Corporate Sustainability Reporting Competencies – a how-to webinar hosted by Bruce Whitfield
19 July 2022: Corporate Governance and the Law – discussion between Dr Ansie Ramalho and training presenter Professor Irene-marié Esser
14 July 2022: Preparing for Sustainability Reporting – what you need to know, where you need to start and what good looks like
7 July 2022: Integrated organizations Discussion Forum – Improve your strategy delivery by thinking BIG – meeting 1