7th Colloquium opening statement – Professor Mervyn King
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity, connecting financial and non-financial information: Opening statement by Professor Mervyn King
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity, connecting financial and non-financial information: Opening statement by Professor Mervyn King
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Introducing the ESG Exchange – a global convenor for sustainability reporting guidance
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium: IOSCO’s steps towards the connection between financial and non-financial information — Kris Nathanail-Brighton
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Konica Minolta’s Integrated Reporting experience — Yasu Kawasugi
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Integrated reporting and the anatomy of a corporate — Suresh Gooneratne
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s approach to interoperability — Eelco van der Enden
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: The role of Integrated Reporting in reviving the economy — Alan Johnson
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Connecting financial and non-financial information — Veronica Poole