Governance around the world: Japan
5 May 2022: Unpacking governance in Japan for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
5 May 2022: Unpacking governance in Japan for investors and multi-national organizations to understand national approaches and imperatives.
12 April 2022: “Board Whisperer”, Patrice Lasserre, and “boardroom diversity champion”, Charlotte Valeur discuss mentoring, coaching and training Governing Bodies – the do’s, the don’ts and the key considerations.
Professor Mervyn King SC, Founded the Good Governance Academy to “educate the educators” on governance and critical business issues and bring to the world the best thought leadership in these areas as a public good
Simon Laffin, a board veteran of over 30 years, with real life knowledge of boardroom situations, offers a course on how to get in, get on and make a difference
Patrice Lasserre offers bespoke mentoring programmes to assist leaders to develop into compelling Board candidates, equipping them to not only survive but flourish in a most demanding and challenging, but highly rewarding, environment.
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium: IOSCO’s steps towards the connection between financial and non-financial information — Kris Nathanail-Brighton
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Konica Minolta’s Integrated Reporting experience — Yasu Kawasugi
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: Integrated reporting and the anatomy of a corporate — Suresh Gooneratne
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s approach to interoperability — Eelco van der Enden
19 May 2022: 7th Colloquium – Connectivity: The role of Integrated Reporting in reviving the economy — Alan Johnson