Training Endorsement


The Good Governance Academy invites training providers to submit their training materials and take part in its “Good Governance Training Academy”.

The GGA issues an Endorsement Seal for Training Courses subject to certain performance and quality criteria, these criteria ensure that the training is of the highest international standard.

Training participants are issued with Certificates or Completion or Certificates of Attendance which are used for Continual Professional Development / Continual Professional Education purposes by professional bodies.


The Good Governance Training Academy’s Steering Committee ensures that the Training Course is suitably evaluated.

  • Recommendations are made, where necessary, for improvements.
  • The Trainers who will be providing the Training are also assessed to ensure that they are suitably qualified and experienced.

On approval, the GGA:

  • Creates a webpage for the training and publishes it to the GGA website
  • Schedules a 60-minute online event (Showcase) which is recorded, and the recording is made available to the Training provider, posted to the GGA YouTube channel and loaded to the Training Course’s GGA webpage.

On completion of training, the GGA:

  • Issues a ‘Certificate of Completion’ to every person completing the Training Course
  • Issues a ‘Certificate of Attendance’ to every person who spent time on the course even though they may not have completed the course
  • Adds the participant to the GGA’s Community so that they can continue their learning journey
 The GGA’s certificates are used by most professional bodies around the world for Continuing Professional Development purposes

Contact us to endorse your training or course

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  • The Good Governance Academy nor any of its agents or representatives shall be liable for any damage, loss or liability arising from the use or inability to use this web site or the services or content provided from and through this web site.
  • This web site is supplied on an “as is” basis and has not been compiled or supplied to meet the user’s individual requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the user to satisfy itself prior to entering into this agreement with The Good Governance Academy that the service available from and through this web site will meet the user’s individual requirements and be compatible with the user’s hardware and/or software.
  • Information, ideas and opinions expressed on this site should not be regarded as professional advice or the official opinion of The Good Governance Academy and users are encouraged to consult professional advice before taking any course of action related to information, ideas or opinions expressed on this site.
  • When this site collects private information from users, such information shall not be disclosed to any third party unless agreed upon between the user and The Good Governance Academy.
  • The Good Governance Academy may, in its sole discretion, change this agreement or any part thereof at any time without notice.

Privacy Policy

Link to the policy: GGA Privacy Policy 2021

The Good Governance Academy (“GGA”) strives for transparency and trust when it comes to protecting your privacy and we aim to clearly explain how we collect and process your information.

It’s important to us that you should enjoy using our products, services and website(s) without compromising your privacy in any way. The policy outlines how we collect and use different types of personal and behavioural information, and the reasons for doing so. You have the right to access, change or delete your personal information at any time and you can find out more about this and your rights by contacting the GGA, clicking on the “CONTACT” menu item or using the details at the bottom of the page.

The policy applies to “users” (or “you”) of the GGA website(s) or any GGA product or service; that is anyone attending, registering or interacting with any product or service from the GGA. This includes event attendees, participants, registrants, website users, app users and the like.

Our policies are updated from time-to-time. Please refer back regularly to keep yourself updated.