Support Member Network

The GGA mobilises global thought leaders, expert practitioners, and its extensive network of support members to achieve its purpose. The Support Member Network comprises educational institutions, professional associations and other organizations such as AICPA, SAICA, ICAEW, IOD UK and the IOD India.

The Good Governance Academy:

  • Hosts regular high-profile public lectures and panel discussions, including two colloquia per year
  • Builds global relationships between academia, corporate, public and non-profit organizations
  • Aligns with leading universities, professional associations and thought leaders
  • Provides a secure, public, online content repository with videos of past colloquia and associated curated content


The GGA is well established as a source of global thought leadership for directors, executives, professionals and academics. The GGA has earned its reputation for content excellence, while remaining deeply relevant to the world’s changing environment.

The GGA by numbers:

  4 250+ support members

4 4.5+ million directors, executives, professionals and academics via the Support Member Network

4 135 countries reached

4 50+ thought leaders hosted

4 9,000+ unique registrations

4  6,000+ registered community members

Join us on this journey

GGA support members extend invitations to the GGA colloquia, and other appropriate events, to their members and networks and distribute colloquia memoranda as required. Support member organisations participate in the GGA support network at no cost.

Join the network

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Wits Business School, 2 St Davids Pl, St Andrew Rd, Parktown, 

Johannesburg, 2193, South Africa

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© 2024 Good Governance Academy

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Privacy Policy

Link to the policy: GGA Privacy Policy 2021

The Good Governance Academy (“GGA”) strives for transparency and trust when it comes to protecting your privacy and we aim to clearly explain how we collect and process your information.

It’s important to us that you should enjoy using our products, services and website(s) without compromising your privacy in any way. The policy outlines how we collect and use different types of personal and behavioural information, and the reasons for doing so. You have the right to access, change or delete your personal information at any time and you can find out more about this and your rights by contacting the GGA, clicking on the “CONTACT” menu item or using the details at the bottom of the page.

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Our policies are updated from time-to-time. Please refer back regularly to keep yourself updated.