Preparing for sustainability reporting

what you need to know, where you need to start and what good looks like

This event is part of the ESG Exchange which guides and equips organizations to publish assurable sustainability reports meeting the global mandates.

Organizations have a opportunity now to prepare for new regulations around sustainability reporting, and commit to transparency and accountability. We already know that sustainability reporting will consider a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas. Certainly a starting point would be to identify such metrics which are relevant for the organization and the context within which it operates, but what metrics?


This webinar provides organizations with guidance on where to start on the road to sustainability reporting – to meet relevant stakeholder needs, wants and expectations of such sustainability reports, no matter the regulatory environment within which the organization operates.

Peadar Duffy

Global ESG Practice Lead at Archer Integrated Risk Management

Peadar is the Global ESG Practice Lead at Archer and has been at the leading edge of risk professionalism assisting companies manage strategic risks for some 30 years.


He has written a paper explaining why a systems approach is required to understand and manage Quantum Risks which he has defined. Recently Peadar published an article about ESG Quantum Effects in which he gives practical advice to those who are new to the topic.


More broadly in bringing first hand military experience to the boardroom Peadar has developed a portfolio of AI enabled risk assessment automations providing relevant information from both inside and outside organizations.


Peadar’s Specialties’ include:-
1. Understanding and protecting business models
2. Delivering ‘built-in’ versus ‘bolt on’ risk management so increasing the likelihood of achieving business objectives and outperforming less responsive competitors
3. Providing demonstrably credible safeguards to competitive advantage
4. Building and strengthening strategic resiliency 
5. Providing ‘turnkey’ solutions with rapid deployment and immediate benefits delivery


Rachael Johnson

Global Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance, Professional Insights at ACCA

Rachael has over two decades’ experience creating thought leadership content on a range of financial topics including risk management, responsible investing, sustainable finance, regulatory change management, and corporate governance.


In her current role at ACCA, Rachael produces research, thought leadership and CPD content on risk and corporate governance for members and partner organisations around the world. As the secretariat of ACCA’s Global Forum for Governance, Risk and Performance, she also advocates and provides comments for consultations. In addition, she is a member of the newly formed Accountancy Europe (AcE) Corporate Governance Policy Group and part of the Business at OECD (Biac) Corporate Governance Committee.


Rachael started her career as a financial journalist at RISK magazine and later moved to Euromoney, eventually becoming deputy editor of AsiaMoney in Hong Kong. As a freelance writer in London, where she is based, she produced various editorial work for financial publications, trade bodies, banks, fintechs, and asset managers.


Rachael graduated from Indiana University in the US with a BA in Journalism & Communications, and minors in Environmental Science and Public Affairs.

Christian Heller

CEO of the Value Balancing Alliance

Christian Heller is CEO of the Value Balancing Alliance. The alliance consists of Deutsche Bank, BASF, Bosch, Lafarge Holcim, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Novartis, Porsche-Volkswagen, SAP and SK. He is also
Vice-Chairperson of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee for the Federal Government of Germany.


As a non-profit organization, the alliance enjoys assistance by Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC. The OECD and the World Bank support as policy advisors. Oxford University, Harvard Business School and University of Hamburg are providing the academic foundations as lead universities.


Furthermore, stakeholders from government, civil society, business, the financial market and standard-setting organizations support the activities of the Value Balancing Alliance. The Value Balancing Alliance focuses on the development and standardization of a management accounting model to protect and create long-term value. It is designed to empower decision makers to optimize the total value contribution of their business.


Before his current position, Christian Heller was leading BASF’s Value-to-Society program and had various roles in communications, sustainability and human resources such as leading the human rights program.

Carolynn Chalmers

Chief Executive Officer, Good Governance Academy

Carolynn Chalmers is the Chief Executive Officer of Professor Mervyn King’s Good Governance Academy and its initiative, The ESG Exchange. She has edited two international standards: ISO 37000:2021 – Governance of organizations – Guidance and its associated Governance Maturity Model, ISO 37004:2023.


Carolynn makes corporate dreams come true, assisting leaders and leadership teams in how to create value for their organisations. She makes use of her expertise and experience in corporate governance, organizational strategy, Digital Transformation, and IT to do so.


Carolynn is an Independent Committee Member of South Africa’s largest private Pension Fund, the Eskom Pension and Provident Fund, and recently retired as Independent Committee member of several board committees for the Government Employee Medical Scheme. Carolynn has extensive management, assurance and governance experience and has held various Executive roles for international, listed, private and public organisations across many industries.


Carolynn is best known for her successes in establishing governance frameworks, and designing and the leading large, complex initiatives that can result. She attributes this success to the application of good governance principles. She shares her insights on her 2 LinkedIn Groups – Applying King IV and Corporate Governance Institute. 

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